Fenestraria rhopalophylla, a beautiful plant from South Africa

Canarius | Wednesday June 17th, 2015 |

Fenestraria_aurantica_1 Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. aurantiaca belongs to the family of Aizoaceae. There are various common names, such as babies’ toes or window plant. It´s native to Namibia and Namaqualand in South Africa into the Richtersveld. F. rhopalophylla seems like Frithia pulchra, but its leaves are different because it has yellow flowers, compared with the pink flowers of F. pulchra. The most curious thing is that this succulent plant has unusual leaves with a translucent window on the top, for that is called little “fingers” seems to have eyes on them. Each “finger” has a transparent window at its tip to filter sunlight. On each sheet there is a transparent area, like a window so its Latin name refers to it: “fenestra” (window). This allows photosynthesis That leaves are about 2-2.5 cm in length and its apex is thickened.

In the wild, the plant commonly grows under sand, except for the transparent tips, which allow light into the leaves for photosynthesis .Therefore, this plant is often covered by sand and transparent sheets allow us to light for photosynthesis comes. The plant grows in sandy soils with less than 100 mm of annual rainfall.


Fenestraria rhopalophylla on Canarius.com

It’s bloom in summer, autumn and even winter. It´s very sensitive to frost. The level of the compound in the pot should be slightly below the root collar to be placed above a layer of fine gravel that covers the neck and half the height of the leaves. The lack of light due tissues and rots easily. It should be watered in the growing season, from summer to autumn, but require little water. They should be kept dry during the winter.

Did you know the medicinal uses of Alpinia nutans?

Canarius | Thursday June 11th, 2015 |

false-cardamon-alpinia-nutans The truth is that from Canarius, we love plants due to a great variety of reasons. Although one of the most important of them is their use, as medicine. In this case, we are going to talk about a species that is used medicinally: Alpinia nutans. The wrong called Amomum cardamomun or Cardamon, whose origin is Southeast Asian, belongs to Ginger family. Alpinia nutans is a cool-growing species of Alpinia which has several medicinal uses: to control hypertension, as a diuretic, antifungal or antiulcer. In countries such as Japan, this plant is used as food preservative. Alpinia nutans also helps to relieve headache or flu. Likewise, in some places (Brazil), its essential oil is used to control hypertension or heart diseases. Moreover, the plant is considered as an important stomach protector too.

alpinia-nutans-(1) Concerning its characteristics, Alpinia nutans is possibly the frost-hardiest in the genus. It is similar to Alpinia zerumbet, but shorter in stature with wavier leaf margins. Flowers are equally beautiful! It usually takes a few years before flowering and then it does it regularly. Our rhizomes are uprooted from adult, blooming, mother plants. Anyway, on Canarius we count on a great number of flowering plants in the family Zingiberaceae, the well-known Ginger family: Alpinia purpurata or Alpinia zerumbet Variegata, among others. Take a look on our plants online store and buy whatever you need (or you want). We sell strong, field-grown, rhizomes with at least two “eyes” (active growing points). Some will have roots or leaves, some will not. There will be some variation according to the time of the year, because growth is seasonal. Rhizomes are individually wrapped in moist perlite or sphagnum. Turn into a healthy person and buy your Alpinia nutans right now. You can discover a world without pills and full of natural feelings. However, you must be fast, because you’ve already got the last one…

Hoya australis, the perfect aromatic and indoor plant

Canarius | Friday May 22nd, 2015 |

Hoya_australis_On Canarius.com, we are aware of you are a real plant lover. That’s why we are going to write about a special plant today: Hoya australis. This is a lovely Australian native plant, commonly well-known as wax flower. Hoya australis is found on rainforest margins and rocky areas, with white fragrant blooms. Furthermore, it is easy to grow and somehow cold-tolerant, even though it does better if protected from frost. The five recognized subspecies of this plant are in Papua New Guinea, Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales (and on canarius.com now). Although there are a great variety of other species of Hoya found in tropical areas too: China, India and Indonesia. Hoya australis produces fragrant flowers, above all in the evenings or at night, making them popular indoor species. That’s to say, a great house plant to keep inside, applying finishing touches with a natural environment. Likewise, the leaves are thick, succulent and almost round in shape, growing up to 9cm across. In this sense, this kind of Australian plant needs well-drained, but not necessarily especially fertile soil to grow in. They will tolerate a few weeks of drought but they are sensitive to frost and cold weather in general. Moreover, very little pruning is required, except on older plants which may need cutting back to rejuvenate the vine.


In our online store we count on this kind of species: Hoya australis. In the same way, on Canarius.com, we offer a rooted plant (often sent bare-rooted). Anyway, if you want to learn more about we ship, visit our website and take a look to our pictures. Would you like to keep an aromatic essence at home? Would you like to decorate a living room, even a garden? You are in the right place! Buy Hoya australis with just a few clicks. In addition, we’ve got more subspecies of Hoya. Take a look!

Aloe ericetorum has come to our online store!

Canarius | Wednesday May 20th, 2015 |

aloe-ericetorum1 In our online store, Canarius.com, we have brought new sort of plants for every plant lover, such as Aloe: a succulent plant with a rosette of thick tapering leaves and bell-shaped or tubular flowers on long stems. Aloe is native to the Old World. However, there is a great variety of Aloe plants and, in this case, we will talk about Aloe ericetorum. This variety of aloe belongs to the botanical family: Xanthorrhoeaceae. Moreover, it is small, without a trunk, with grey leaves (sometimes, light-green too) and forms a rosette of narrow leaves. The inflourescences are slightly branched, but hold yellow flowers at the tips. It is a solitary aloe with thick grey leaves and round “heads” of yellow flowers.

As usual, aloe plants are bred with great results on sunny hillsides. Generally found in rocky or stony places from the Old World; in most of Africa, Madagascar and in parts of Asia. Aloe ericetorum grows on sandy soils in a small location in Central Madagascar, north of Andilamena. Coming from an inland, highland area, it can withstand cold (unlike similar plants). That’s why this kind of herbaceous is a perfect option for those who live in cold areas (minimum winter temperature: 0Cº to 10Cº). In Canarius.com, we count on Aloe ericetorum and (surely) we can send it directly to your home. In this sense, we offer a 15-20 cm plant with the serenity of knowing that we are always shipping hundreds of parcels to many different countries. Do you want to have at home an Aloe ericetorum? Make your purchase!

Nuts of the Macadamia tree

Canarius | Thursday March 19th, 2015 |


Macadamia tetraphylla is an excellent Australian nut, able to grow in coastal Meditarranean climates, subtropical climates and tropical climates. Some of other common names are: Poppel nut, Prickly macadamia or Rough-shelled queensland nut. food-crop-macadamia The leaves are quite ornamental, deep green with serrated margins. Flushes of juvenile foliage are yellow, red or maroon for a while. It has long, pendent creamy pink to purple flowers, followed by woody rounded fruits that contain the edible nut. Macadamia nuts provides cardiovascular benefits and attributes due to the presence of the fatty acids Omega-3 (healthy fats which help our nervous system). Furthermore, in order to enjoy an optimal and normal level of cholesterol, it is essential to maintain a care lifestyle with healthy diets. maca flowersThat’s why, we could include all sort of nuts in those diets, such as Macadamia nuts. Above all, because its nutrients have a high content in healthy fats. To sum up, a balanced consumption of these food crops could help so that “bad cholesterol” in the blood was reduced to recommended levels. The expensive, sought after nuts are a real delicacy, ripen before Christmas. Macadamia nuts are the only edible crop in the Proteaceae family and also the first modern Australian native food crop.  And as we have already stated, Macadamia nuts contain approximately 86% of monounsaturated fatty acids, known to reduce cholesterol in the blood.

From now on, you can buy a Macadamia tree with Canarius through “an only click”. Moreover, we ship worldwide, directly to your home. Visit our on-line store and see pictures of our plants (as for instance, Macadamia tetraphylla) on the packing desk and learn more about what plants we ship. Taste Macadamia nuts and follow a healthy lifestyle!

Coffea arabica, coffee from the plant to your cup

Canarius | Thursday March 5th, 2015 |

coffea-arabica-local-canarian-cafeto-coffee Would you like to have freshly made coffee at home? If you are a born lover of this popular drink, obtained from ground and toasted seeds, Coffea arabica could be the greatest discovery for you. Well-known as plant of coffee, it deals of a bush, coming from rubiaceae’s family from countries like Ethiopy or Yemen. Coffea arabica is the best species focused on coffee growing, obtained from its toasted seeds. This natural product, which is worldwide commercialised, contains properties that are both diuretic and stimulant. Moreover, its principal component (caffeine) is clearly an exciting substance for our central nervous system (psychic and neuromuscular). One of the most well-known tale about the discovery of coffee (the third more beverage consumed by people, after water and tea) is the story about a shepherd and his goats. In the moment when the flock started being more active, the man discovered that the animals had ingested small, round and red fruits, similar to small cherries. Coffea-Arabica-pictureCoffee arabica‘s fruit is a kind of berry with round shape and a pulpy lining. During its ripening, it becomes green to yellow and then red. These small fruits contain less caffeine than other species sold worldwide. We see for ourselves, during its flowering, the flowers are gathered around in bouquet under the leafs. The flowers of this plant of coffee are white with five petals, simulating a star. Its smell is too similar to gardenias. With regard to its cultivation, it should be pointed out that the land with volcanic ash is the best one to get good quality of bean, as well as light and stable temperatures. That is why we can find this sort of rubiaceae (Coffea arabica) in the Canary Islands. Such as in our cultivated field, located in Macizo de Anaga (Tenerife). In this sense, with luck and patience, you will be able to get your own homemade coffee, toasting the seeds in the oven. Do not forget that in our online store, Canarius, we offer a branched plant and ready to blom and fruit in a year or so.

Dwarf Red Banana, the great unknown…

Canarius | Thursday February 26th, 2015 |


Banana is one of the most important crops which takes part of staple diet for millions of people around the world. Moreover, it is a strong source of income for producing countries, as well as for local and international markets. In this regard, there is a great diversity of bananas with different sizes (small, medium and large), colours and flavours, depending mostly on their genetic origin, but also on cultivation methods, soil types and climate. Most varieties originated in the far past by chance as seedless natural hybrids, from seeded wild ancestors. These seedless banana trees were kept in cultivation by people during centuries. Then spontaneous mutations occurred during cultivation and brought more and more diversity, with useful dwarf forms or more fruitful types. Recently, the first genetically modified banana trees have been also produced.


Exceptional case with yellow stripes

In this case, we are going to talk about a sort of fruit: the Red Banana (Musa cv. Figue Rose Naine), an Asian traditional variety, selected thousands of years ago due to its quality and its resistance to diseases caused by virus, bacteria, insects or fungi. This fruit is dark violet during the first part of the ripening process, but once it is fully ripe, it becomes two-toned (red and yellow). A colour that dominates in leaves and stems. Many people think that the Dwarf Red Banana (Musa CV. Figue Rose Naine) is much more aromatic and tastier than the classic yellow banana which we can often buy in the market: Cavendish. Fruits are also thicker and the flesh of this variety of banana is rose, rich in vitamins and tasty. Furthermore, it is very rich in provitamin A, almost 20 times more than a typical yellow banana. On the other hand, we must take into account that it is excellent if eaten warm, due to its flavour features from the pinkish flesh.

Red stem of a dwarf red banana in Tenerife

Red stem of a “dwarf red”

Coming from the botanical family Musaceae, this dwarf banana tree, as the name implies, Naine, is shorter than a normal banana tree, but stouter. A showy red colour is present in most parts of the plant, such as the leaf midrib or the whole stem, more accurately called a “pseudo-stem”. Red banana trees are regular producers but their fruit bunches are much shorter than bunches of commercial bananas. A lower yield means a higher price, so red bananas are indeed sold as delicacies in the world markets. In spite of its Asian origin, the name Figue Rose Naine was given in the French Caribbean island of Martinica. A name that coincides with the height of the plant (3 – 4 m) which is, short, strong and robust. These dwarf types of bananas can be grown in large containers and will do better than tall types. They can even be grown as indoor plants but they will not set fruit if direct sunlight is not provided. It is necessary to protect this banana tree from low temperatures (> 8º C), specially the youngest plants. Nowadays, this kind of banana is reproduced in vitro and grown on a commercial small-scale in the Canary Islands, where our online store Canarius: Anaga Market, is located, in the island of Tenerife. —- Right after, we present an infography about the main kinds of bananas: Bananas-infography1

Canarian native plants will be sold in our Shop

Canarius | Tuesday December 9th, 2014 |

Canarius.com will soon start selling Canarian native species. By now we only have a few shrubs for sale but more will soon follow in 2015.  All our plants are legally grown in certified nurseries, not stolen in the wild!

Mountains of SW Anaga, Tenerife

Mountains of SW Anaga, Tenerife

Canarian plants are very specialised Island species. Many of them are suitable as ornamental plants, perfect for mediterranean climates or cold-greenhouses with little or no frost. In the lowlands we will find abundant succulents and shrubs, while at higher elevation there are some cool-growing species found in the laurus forest or in the native pinelands or alpine deserts. There are lots of endemic plants, which are only found in our islands.

Marcetella moquiniana

Marcetella moquiniana



Just one example: Marcetella moquiniana is an elegant shrub endemic to the Canary Islands, with architectural shape. Regularly arranged pinnate leaves show colouful petioles and flushes of new leaves are bright red. It grows wild at mid-low elevation, in mediterranean-like conditions. It is easy to grow and can be watered througout the year, as it is evergreen.

The White Flowers of Coffea arabica

Canarius | Wednesday August 20th, 2014 |

Coffee is grown worldwide in tropical countries. All people know the drink but only a few have seen the beauty of its flowers. These flowers also have a fabulous scent, similar to gardenias. But they last only for a few days!

Coffee is a shrub, up to 4 or more meters tall. It likes shade and can be grown indoors.

Fiori caffe

Fruits follow the flowers and ripen in a few months as red coffee beans.

Coffea FRUTO

Canarius is your web-based plant shop, with lots of unusual species available.  We ship worldwide, directly to your home. Visit THIS LINK and see pictures of our plants on the packing desk and learn more about what we ship.

A Baobab Tree Growing in Europe

Canarius | Tuesday June 17th, 2014 |

In the heart of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain there is a beautiful African Baobab Tree (Adansonia digitata), planted in the year 2000, when it was a few years old and 3-4 m tall. It is not exactly “Europe” but yes… this is still Europe!

This tree was purchased in Senegal, by the City Council. It is now adult and it is becoming quite large. It is flowering and fruiting since 2012. It is located in the commercial downtown, by the intersection between Calle del Pilar and Calle Suárez Guerra, close to the popular square named Plaza del Príncipe.

This is the only large baobab in the city, except the ones the botanical garden Palmetum de Santa Cruz, which are also adults but just a bit younger.

It sheds leaves for three or four months, chiefly between February and April. Its large white flowers are developed between July and September. In summer 2013 they were featured in a local newspaper, because they are truly attractive and people do notice them. This picture of the flower is from the article linked here.

Picture featured in the newspaper (see link above)

The latin name of the baobab is Adansonia digitata. It is a beautiful symbolic tree, able to attain a gigantic size. It is easy to cultivate in pots, as long as it is kept above 8 C and kept dry in winter, when leafless. Leaves are dark green, glossy and palmate. Flowers are an absolute beauty. The fruit is edible.

These are our pictures taken in May 2014, when it is growing the new leaves.

Adansonia digitata (2)Adansonia digitata (1)  Adansonia digitata (3)

Canarius is your web-based plant shop, with lots of unusual species available.  We ship worldwide, directly to your home. Visit THIS LINK and see pictures of our plants on the packing desk and learn more about what we ship.