Musa 'Rajapuri' Visualizza ingrandito

Musa 'Rajapuri' - Dwarf Banana

Dwarf banana with small sweet fruits, similar to the "apple banana". It is native to the cool Punjabi Himalayas, and it easier and faster than most other types of bananas. It can grow from pup to fruit in much less than one year, so it does well in non-tropical countries with a short growing season.

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59,50 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Dwarf banana with small sweet fruits, similar to the "apple banana". It is easier and faster than most other types of bananas. It can grow from pup to fruit in much less than one year, so it does well in non-tropical countries with a short growing season.

This Musa originated in the subtropical zone in the Himalaya, and it is considered by many a cold tolerant cultivar. It is widespread  in the Punjabi region of Northern India. There, it is grown at the base of the foothills of the Himalayas, with cold breezes in the winter time. Look at the climate in Kalimpong at 1400 meters, and see how cool can it be!

It is a perfect banana for the family backyard, manageable in all its parts: a small plant, a small bunch, with small sweet fruits.

Its short height (it sets fruits at 2 m or less!) makes Rajapuri suitable for pot growing. Furthermore, this short banana tree never needs propping because it is very stable and resistant to wind.

This Dwarf Rajapuri is an AAB type of banana, of dessert type, often compared to other AAB types such as Dwarf Brazilian or Manzano, small fruited sweet "apple" bananas.

What do we ship?

We ship a stout rooted sucker, not a potted plant. Your will receive it with the corm wrapped in a bag with moist sphagnum or perlite.

In spring, suckers may not have roots. In this case, suckers are easy to root if temperatures are kept between 20 and 30 C.

Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta Asie
Presentazione Radice nuda
Dimensione massima 250cm-300cm
Famiglia botanica Musaceae
Luce Sole
Temperatura minima in inverno -5 ºC a 5 ºC
Stagione della fioritura Tutto l'anno
Tipo pianta Erbacee
Colore Giallo
Cura Bassa manutenzione
Forma Perenni
Forma Palme e simili
Tutti gli ordini che arrivano dopo il 2 luglio saranno spediti a settembre. Questo è dovuto alle alte temperature del mese di agosto e ai possibili ritardi causati dalle vacanze generali e dalla riduzione degli orari da parte del servizio doganale, dei trasportatori, ecc.