Medemia argun

Rare palm from the desert of Sudan and Egypt. Medemia is a relative of Bismarckia and bears elegant grey-blue arching leaves. It was considered extinct in the wild until its rediscovery in the 90's. It is still hard to find ...

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Rare palm from the desert of Sudan and Egypt. Medemia is a relative of Bismarckia and bears elegant grey-blue arching leaves. It was considered extinct in the wild until its rediscovery in the 90's. It is still hard to find because seeds are seldom available and germination is tricky. We sell a young established seedling grown from the start in a tall pot, because it develops a deep root system. Please transplant it soon to an even deeper pot with abundant bottom drainage, or directly to the ground in a dast draining site.
Picture of the adult plant from wikimedia commons:
By RuB (Ruddy Bénezet) - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Cultivada Protegido
Origen de la especie África
Forma presentación En maceta (mezcla de sustratos)
Familia Botánica Arecaceae
Temperatura mínima invierno -20 ºC a -15 ºC
Cuidados Maceta
Forma Palmeras y Similares
Todos los pedidos que lleguen después del 2 de julio se enviarán en el mes de septiembre. Esto se debe a las altas temperaturas en el mes de Agosto y a los posibles retrasos causados por las vacaciones general y la reducción de horario por parte del servicio de Aduanas, los transportistas, etc