Dietes robinsoniana - Lord Howe Wedding Lily

Very beautiful perennial with white flowers. The leaves are wide and elegant, reminiscent of some Phormium tenax. it is a gigantic species of Dietes originating from the remote island of Lord Howe, which is also home of the Kentia palm.

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This beautiful perennial with white flowers is a gigantic species of Dietes, with wide and elegant leaves, reminiscent of Phormium tenax. It is endemic to the remote island of Lord Howe, which is also home of the Kentia palm, Howea forsteriana. Just as the Kentia, it is very easy to grow as it grows wild from the costal strand up to the top of the wettest peaks. It does well in warm mediterranean condition and it will survive to short, light frosts too. 

Picture from WIkipedia: By Quartl - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, 
Cultivada Al aire libre
Origen de la especie Oceanía
Forma presentación A raíz desnuda
Tamaño Máx. 100cm-120cm
Familia Botánica Iridaceae
Luz Sol
Temperatura mínima invierno 10 ºC a 15 ºC
Época de floración Meses más cálidos
Tipo de planta Herbácea
Color Verde
Cuidados Pocos cuidados
Forma Herbáceas