Graptopetalum macdougallii Visualizza ingrandito

Graptopetalum macdougallii

Large Mature Cutting - Large rosettes of ornamental blue leaves. It grows in cool temperatures and rests in hot weather.

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10,70 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

Con l'acquisto di questo prodotto è possibile raccogliere fino a 5 Punti fedeltà.

Large rosettes of ornamental blue leaves. It grows in cool temperatures and rests in hot weather.

We offer a plant of the following size: One Large Mature Cutting picked from an adult plant. We ship worldwide.

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Coltivazione Protetta
Presentazione Radice nuda
Famiglia botanica Crassulaceae
Luce Sole
Tipo pianta Erbacee
Cura Vaso
Forma Succulente