Aloe perfoliata Visualizza ingrandito

Aloe perfoliata

Cont. 8 cm.  It is native to South Africa and its characterized by prostrate, long and branching stems that isn't stend of growing upright but they tend to sprawl along the ground and over rocks.

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Cont. 8 cm.  It is native to South Africa and its characterized by prostrate, long and branching stems that isn't stend of growing upright but they tend to sprawl along the ground and over rocks.

We offer a plant of the following size:   Cont.= 8 cm. Container size will give you an idea, but Crassulaceae are often sent bare root. These plants are very tolerant of bare-rooting.

Photo take from Wikipedia commons: By Stan Shebs, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta Africa
Presentazione Radice nuda
Dimensione massima 0cm-10cm
Famiglia botanica Xanthorrhoeaceae
Luce Ombra
Temperatura minima in inverno -20 ºC a -15 ºC
Tipo pianta Erbacee
Cura Vaso
Forma Succulente