Brachychiton bidwillii Visualizza ingrandito

Brachychiton bidwillii

Ornamental deciduous shrub to small tree native to Australia, 2-4 m tall . It flowers profusely before the new leaves appear. This is the cold-hardier form from Southern Queensland. It has beautiful deeply-lobed leaves and it can take frost to about -5 C.

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Ornamental deciduous shrub to small tree native to Australia, 2-4 m tall . It flowers profusely before the new leaves appear. This is the cold-hardier form from Southern Queensland. It has beautiful deeply-lobed leaves and it can take frost to about -5 C.

Picture of the flowers from Wikipedia: «Brachychiton bidwillii flowers» de Ethel Aardvark - Trabajo propio. Disponible bajo la licencia CC BY 3.0 vía Wikimedia Commons -

Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta Oceania
Presentazione Pianta in vaso
Dimensione massima 200cm-400cm
Famiglia botanica Malvaceae
Luce Sole
Temperatura minima in inverno -5 ºC a 0 ºC
Tipo pianta Erbacee
Colore Rosa
Cura Vaso
Forma Arbusti