Boswellia elongata Visualizza ingrandito

Boswellia elongata

We offer a 2 year old seedling of the rare Socotran Frankincense. Leaves are dark bronze and of a very elegant shape, becoming feather-shaped as soon as the plant reaches a certain size.

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38,70 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

Con l'acquisto di questo prodotto è possibile raccogliere fino a 19 Punti fedeltà.

Boswellia elongata is one of the seven species of Frankincense tree growing on the island of Socotra. Their resin has been traded for some 5000 years for use in religious ceremonies and medicine. Leaves are dark bronze and of a very elegant shape, becoming feather-shaped as soon as the plant reaches a certain size.

We offer a 2 year old seedling of the rare Socotran Frankincense.

Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta Africa
Presentazione Radice nuda
Famiglia botanica Burseraceae
Luce Sole
Tipo pianta Legnose
Cura Vaso
Forma Perenni