Cynanchum marnierianum

Fascinating hanging plant from Madagascar. Stems are rough and thin. New branches are green and they get browner as the grow. Its beautiful flowers resemble small green Chinese lanterns.

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17,20 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Fascinating hanging plant from Madagascar. Stems are rough and thin. New branches are green and they get browner as the grow. Its beautiful flowers resemble small green Chinese lanterns. A very easy grower. minimum temp of 10 ºC. It is a "caustic vine". Be careful with the sap!

We offer a well rooted plant.  We ship worldwide.

Visit THIS LINK and see pictures of our plants on the packing desk and learn more about what we ship, including succulent plants.

Cultivada Protegido
Origen de la especie África
Forma presentación A raíz desnuda
Tamaño Máx. 70cm-200cm
Familia Botánica Apocynaceae
Luz Sol
Temperatura mínima invierno 10 ºC a 15 ºC
Época de floración Meses más cálidos
Tipo de planta Herbácea
Cuidados Maceta
Forma Crasas o suculentas