Koehneria madagascariensis

Cont: 14 cm.  This is a new, unique shrub to small tree, native to semi-dry Madagascar. Koehneria is a poorly studied monotypic genus, described in 1986. but it is a relative of the most popular ornamental genus Lagerstroemia and its abundant pink flowers do justice to its "blood".

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This is a new, unique shrub to small tree native to semi-dry Madagascar. Koehneria is a poorly studied genus, but it is a relative of the most popular ornamental genus Lagerstroemia and its abundant pink flowers do justice to its "blood".
Anbau Innenanbau
Herkunft der Arten Asien
Präsentation Freiliegende Wurzeln
Maximale Größe 70cm-200cm
Botanische Familie Lythraceae
Lichtbedürfnis Sonne
Mindesttemperatur im Winter -15 ºC bis -5 ºC
Blütezeit Wärmeren Monaten
Pflanzentyp krautartig
Pflegebedürfnis Blumentopf
Wuchsform Kletterpflanze